The shreddies branding is genius (diamond shape) people actually believed this marketing technique. Phones are possibly the most innovative piece of modern technology (with location etc) You knew perception was a huge part of marketing and an equally significant factor in generating sales. proven fact that cheap, undervalued products can be completely revamped through developing a new perception around it. all value is subjective, BUT an intangible change can be just as satisfying as a physical change. Frederick realized the farmers would rather be jailed than forced to grow potatoes. So he took a new approach, and decided to re brand the potato – changing its perceived value. He declared that potatoes were only for the royal grew them in his garden, protected around the clock by his guards. “When you place a value on things like health and love and learn to place a material value on what you’ve previously discounted for being merely intang...
Good variety. It would be good to try different fonts and ways to overlap and integrate.